A New Dataset Could Aid Climate Justice Research

peter.suber's bookmarks 2021-08-25


"Many studies focusing on the damages and financial consequences of climate change rely on commercial datasets that cost hundreds of thousands of dollars to purchase. Those costs can be a significant hurdle for many researchers and communities.

Instead, the SEPHER dataset combines data from many publicly available sources, including:

  • the Social Vulnerability Index from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which includes an array of socioeconomic data as well as information regarding disability and minority status;
  • FEMA’s National Risk Index for Natural Hazards, which combines the likelihood and expected losses from natural hazards with social vulnerability factors and resilience capabilities;
  • Home Mortgage Disclosure Act data, including information about whether mortgage applications were approved or denied, property characteristics, and applicant demographics such as ethnicity, race, and gender;
  • Eviction data from the Eviction Lab at Princeton University;
  • Rental price trends for properties...."



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Date tagged:

08/25/2021, 13:33

Date published:

08/25/2021, 09:33