Libraries uses Open Education to promote Inclusive learning opportunities | TexLibris

peter.suber's bookmarks 2021-08-25


"The Libraries announces the “Fostering Inclusive Classrooms with Open, Free & Affordable Course Materials” instructor learning community, to promote IDEA concepts through the adoption of open educational resources (OERs).

The OER Working Group eagerly seeks applicants to join its first instructor learning community in Fall 2021. With support from facilitators and guest experts, we hope to join participants from across disciplines in their efforts to make their courses as financially inclusive as possible by eliminating or substantially lowering course material costs. The emphasis of the community will be open educational resources (or OER), which are learning materials that carry open licenses and allow anyone to freely read, share, and modify them. These permissions also enable instructors to adapt them for greater cultural responsiveness and accessibility or even include students in building them. ..."


From feeds:

Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » peter.suber's bookmarks

Tags: oa.libraries oa.oer oa.dei oa.courseware oa.u.texas

Date tagged:

08/25/2021, 13:37

Date published:

08/25/2021, 09:37