OSFair - panel-an-open-science-future

peter.suber's bookmarks 2021-09-09


"This panel seeks to bring together policy makers at various levels of decision making (institutional, funder, regional, national) to discuss in practical terms the challenges and opportunities of open science adoption and implementation they encounter, as well as the ones posed towards international cooperation specifically in line with Unesco’s recommendations for the global community.

The panelists will touch upon issues on the mobilization of open science funds for scientific publications, the infrastructure for FAIR, the inclusion of relevant actors, the upskilling of our researchers and supporting staff, as well as local and global equity and inclusion.

Learning from the expertise of organizations who have already or are now tackling the challenges, we expect to derive practical and pragmatic recommendations for the way forward.

  • What are the challenges involved in adopting open science policies at local level?
  • How can we expand and align policies at the international level?
  • What would be the challenges and opportunities?
  • How can we ensure that policies in the global north do not have unintended harm of research in the global south? ..."



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Date tagged:

09/09/2021, 15:02

Date published:

09/09/2021, 11:02