Open Access book pilot - Flip it Open

peter.suber's bookmarks 2021-09-23


"Welcome to our exciting new Open Access books initiative, Flip it Open. We will publish and sell a selection of 28 books through our regular channels, treating them at the outset in the same way as any other book; they will be part of our library collections for Cambridge Core, as well being sold as hardbacks and ebooks. The one crucial difference is that we are making an upfront commitment that when each of these books meets a set revenue threshold we will make them available to everyone Open Access via Cambridge Core.  

At the point where titles go Open Access, we will also be releasing an affordable paperback edition. Both the digital and paperback new editions will contain a page calling out and thanking the institutions who bought the book at the outset, thereby contributing to its flipping to Open Access."


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Date tagged:

09/23/2021, 09:31

Date published:

09/23/2021, 05:31