Open Access Publishing Manager
peter.suber's bookmarks 2014-01-13
"Open Access Publishing Manager, Libraries
Job Summary: Responsible for the management of and front-line user support for open access publishing tools in the Office of Scholarly Publishing (OSP). Provides consulting and technical support to researchers using Open Access Publishing services; serves as technical liaison with system developers; and provides project management of Open Access publishing initiatives undertaken by the Office of Scholarly Publishing.
Manages daily operations of Open Access Publishing Services, including IUScholarWorks repository, Open Folklore, and Archive-It web archiving service. Consults with researchers who want to deposit their materials into the repository about metadata, basic intellectual property policies, preservation, and technical considerations. Manages ongoing open access projects; tracks usage data and writes reports; and manages batch imports and other technical tasks.
Manages the public web presence of Open Access Publishing services; serves as technical liaison to system developers in the Libraries; and creates and maintains ongoing priority lists for functional improvements. Provides advice and technical assistance to IU researchers and editors on open access journal publishing; and consults with, and trains colleagues from other IU campuses on open access journal publishing and other forms of scholarly publishing...."