View of The UGC-CARE initiative: Indian academia's quest for research and publishing integrity | First Monday

peter.suber's bookmarks 2021-10-04


Abstract:  This paper discusses the reasons for emergence of predatory publications in India, engendered by mandates of higher educational institutions: that require stipulated number of research publications for employment and promotions. Predatory journals have eclipsed the merits of open access publishing, compromised ethical practices, and left the research community groping for benchmarks of research integrity and publication ethics. To fight back the menace of predatory publications, University Grants Commission, India has established “Consortium for Academic Research and Ethics” (UGC-CARE) in 2018 to promote and benchmark research integrity and publication ethics among the Indian academia. The present paper discusses the UGC-CARE initiative, its structure, objectives and specifically, “UGC-CARE Reference List of Quality Journals” (UGC-CARE list) and finally, the challenges it faces.



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Tags: oa.predatory oa.india oa.harm oa.credibility oa.funders.public oa.ethics oa.quality oa.journals oa.south oa.funders

Date tagged:

10/04/2021, 09:53

Date published:

10/04/2021, 05:53