Stewardship of and Open Access to Works of Scholarship | University Policy Office
peter.suber's bookmarks 2022-01-07
"Each UNT community member grants to UNT a nonexclusive, irrevocable, and worldwide license to exercise any and all rights under copyright for each of their published work(s) of scholarship for the purpose of making their published work(s) of scholarship available for open access. This license has three features. First, it is nonexclusive, meaning the UNT community member is free to sign other license agreements (such as publisher contracts) beyond this license with UNT. Second, the license is irrevocable, meaning the UNT community member cannot withdraw the rights given to UNT at any time. Third, the license is worldwide, meaning it gives UNT rights under copyright in any country, not just in the United States. However, this license does not apply if it is limited by publisher agreements signed by the UNT community member. As such, if a UNT community member enters into an agreement with a publisher that prevents them from granting this license to UNT, then the license shall not apply. Additionally, this license does not give UNT the right to sell the published works of scholarship for profit."