The open access usage advantage: a temporal and spatial analysis | SpringerLink

peter.suber's bookmarks 2022-01-28


Abstract: In this study, we compare the article impact in terms of article usage between open access (OA) and non-open access (Non-OA) articles from both the temporal and spatial perspectives. Articles published in The New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) were selected as our research objects. Daily article metric data have been tracked and collected from and updated every day for over a year. The results of the study confirm the OA usage advantage to a certain extent. OA increases the article views, expands the geographical scope of article readers, and promotes knowledge diffusion. However, the delayed OA policy has no obvious improvement on the OA effects.



01/28/2022, 03:54

From feeds:

Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) ยป DHopf's bookmarks


oa.discoverability oa.benefits oa.south oa.studies oa.journals oa.paywalled oa.empirical oa.usage oa.advantage

Date tagged:

01/28/2022, 06:33

Date published:

02/03/2021, 03:54