Open Access

peter.suber's bookmarks 2014-03-15


"The challenge for organizations such as SNMMI [Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging], which publishes JNM [Journal of Nuclear Medicine], is to balance the values of a subscription model, where the members receive the journal as a benefit of membership, and open access, where the authors benefit from immediate access to their article for a wider audience, while ensuring that the roles of the journal are met....Currently, JNM articles are available online to SNMMI members and JNM subscribers after copyediting and author review (approximately 4 mo after acceptance). JNM articles are published in the printed journal 6–7 mo after acceptance. All JNM articles are open access after a 6-mo embargo following print publication. In 2009, JNM began allowing open access to continuing education review articles as soon as they are available online. Recently, JNM added the “Focus on Molecular Imaging” review articles to its open access content....More recently, we accepted an invitation from Dr. Eric Stern to participate in Global Outreach Radiology (GO RAD) (, a program of the International Society of Radiology. Its purpose is to reach out to the global radiology community and advance radiology education by aggregating current, practical radiology literature with content that is targeted and dedicated to developing nations and underserved populations. Through agreements with these cooperating journals, the GO RAD platform provides immediate open access to a limited amount of content that otherwise has restricted access, providing an electronic link back to the original online article at the time of first publication. In an effort to disseminate research results sooner, the JNM editors have decided that all research articles will be published online at the time they are originally accepted, well in advance of the print issue. After they are prepared for publication and have appeared in the print issue, the ahead-of-print version will be replaced by the final version. We hope that these changes will improve early access to all articles published in JNM...."


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03/15/2014, 15:06

Date published:

03/15/2014, 11:07