Open access policies at MIT | Scholarly Publishing - MIT Libraries
peter.suber's bookmarks 2022-05-11
"In March 2009, MIT faculty passed one of the country’s first open access policies; the policy covers their scholarly articles by default.
As of April 2017, all MIT authors, including students, postdocs, and staff, can “opt-in” to an open access license. See below for information on how to deposit a paper, get download statistics on your papers, or opt out of the policy. Authors covered by the MIT faculty open access policy do not need to sign this license.
- MIT faculty OA policy Text of the 2009 faculty open access policy, as well as definitions of terms that appear in the policy.
- MIT authors’ opt-in OA license Information and FAQs on MIT’s opt-in open access license. Sign the license.
- FAQ on MIT’s faculty OA policy
- Opt-out of MIT’s OA policies Automated form to waive the faculty OA policy or authors’ opt-in license for a specific paper. Email for more information.
- Reader comments on OA articles This beta site shows what readers around the globe are saying about MIT’s OA policy.
- Open access publishing support Find support for open access publishing, including the OA fund. ..."