Unlocking Science: The rise of Open Science in Canada | Scientifique en chef

peter.suber's bookmarks 2022-05-28


"Open Science is the movement to make science more accessible and transparent. From publishing in open access journals, to sharing data, to increasing outreach - open science can take many forms.

In this cafe, we will hear from two guest speakers about the importance and practice of open science, followed by small group discussion in break-out rooms to discuss how early career researchers can move open science forward. We will be discussing open science recommendations in the context of UNESCO’s open science framework...."



From feeds:

Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » peter.suber's bookmarks


oa.new oa.open_science oa.canada oa.growth oa.ecr oa.unesco

Date tagged:

05/28/2022, 14:00

Date published:

05/28/2022, 10:00