peter.suber's bookmarks 2022-06-01


"The Nordic countries are at a major crossroads in the evolution of knowledge. Digitalisation and the green shift are at the top of the EU’s research and innovation policy agenda, paralleling the Nordic Council of Ministers’ new vision for the Nordic Region to become the world’s most sustainable and integrated region by 2030. Open science¹ and data sharing will be a pillar in the concrete work to be undertaken in moving the hotbed of research and innovation towards the Nordic Region, as acknowledged in the Nordic Council of Ministers’ Ministerial Declaration Digital North 2.0. The vision of a European Open Science Cloud is forcefully supported by the Nordic and Baltic countries through the EOSC-Nordic project.

With its traditions of cooperation and culture of openness, the Nordic Region now has an unprecedented opportunity to take the lead and become a universal role model in open science and innovation, paralleling the Pact for Research and Innovation in Europe. Digital solutions for example in secure and ethical sharing of health data will save lives and simpler access to climate data will broaden the knowledge base for political decision-making related to global climate change.

We agree that enhanced Nordic collaboration on open science will improve the research system, boost innovation, and promote a wide range of future collaborative efforts in the Nordic Region as well as internationally. We believe that enhanced collaboration can be achieved through long-term engagement of the designated national organisations in the structured collaboration of the Nordic Council of Ministers and its institutions...."


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Date tagged:

06/01/2022, 11:23

Date published:

06/01/2022, 07:23