Why is grey literature not open access? | The Thesis Whisperer

peter.suber's bookmarks 2014-03-27


"While there’s been much angst about the locking away of academic literature and sky-high fees for libraries to access academic journals, what about all the other sources of publicly-funded material? Why is so called ‘grey literature’ not included in the brave new world of open access? ...As a PhD student working in a reasonably cutting-edge area, grey literature is my life-blood. And yet when it comes to some key sources who take money from public coffers for their work, getting access to material that should be public domain is tricky at best. My area of interest - not-for-profit, non-government hospitals and large scale clinics in developing countries – has not generally been the focus of briefing papers and articles. But often these health facilities are included in documents for various reasons without being the focus. And given the dearth of directly relevant data, I’m prepared to take what I can get – or at least what I can find...."



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Date tagged:

03/27/2014, 18:00

Date published:

03/27/2014, 14:00