The quality of higher education through MOOC penetration and the role of academic libraries

peter.suber's bookmarks 2022-08-04


Abstract:  The governments of emerging economies have realized the potential of massive open online courses (MOOCs) for enhancing the quality of higher education, but MOOC penetration is still very low in countries like India. This article explores the issues relating to MOOC integration and attempts to identify the key drivers for the adoption of a MOOC-based curriculum. Integration into the curriculum, the MOOC services of the academic library and the Indian Ministry of Human Resource Development’s (MHRD) policy and support are identified as the key drivers for increasing MOOC penetration. The article also suggests a direct relationship between the level of MOOC penetration and the quality of higher education in emerging economies. The practical implications for practice and policy are classification of the MOOC services of the academic library and a decision-making model that chooses a hybrid learning strategy for higher educational institutions.




08/04/2022, 08:14

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Tags: oa.universities oa.quality oa.moocs oa.courseware oa.libraries oa.india oa.south

Date tagged:

08/04/2022, 12:14

Date published:

05/25/2022, 08:14