American ETD dissemination in the age of open access: ProQuest, NoQuest, or allowing student choice | Clement | College & Research Libraries News
peter.suber's bookmarks 2022-08-17
"A stark incongruity in the treatment of academic scholarship persists on many U.S. campuses today. Faculty authors are generally free to publish in whatever vehicle suits their needs and goals, while also expected (or mandated) to deposit their works in the open access university repository. By contrast, graduate students typically must send their scholarship to a single commercial publisher for toll-access, while also required to submit their works to the university repository.1,2,3 For faculty, values of academic freedom, author rights, and disciplinary best practices govern their publishing choices. For graduate students, compliance with ProQuest submission mandates is necessary to graduate.
Exploring the reasons for treating our newest scholars so differently from their faculty advisors is beyond the scope of this column. Instead, the focus here is on those institutions that have recognized the importance of student publishing choice as a pedagogical and ethical value. This article highlights examples where graduation requirements have changed to better serve all authors on campus, while also benefitting readers who find value in students’ unique works of scholarship. The author’s sole aim is to spur discussion on U.S. campuses about electronic thesis and dissertation (ETD) submission and dissemination practices in order to advance graduate education and to improve worldwide access to graduate research.
ProQuest mandates for ETDs no doubt come from well-intended university administrators. But student reactions to these policies appear to be mixed. Some want to market their works through an established dissertation reseller, attracted by the prospect of revenue from sales. This view was recently reflected by Ed.D. recipient Will Deyamport, tweeting his appreciation for possible royalties earned...."