Semantic Annotation of Experimental Methods in Analytical Chemistry | Analytical Chemistry

peter.suber's bookmarks 2022-11-09


Abstract:  A major obstacle for reusing and integrating existing data is finding the data that is most relevant in a given context. The primary metadata resource is the scientific literature describing the experiments that produced the data. To stimulate the development of natural language processing methods for extracting this information from articles, we have manually annotated 100 recent open access publications in Analytical Chemistry as semantic graphs. We focused on articles mentioning mass spectrometry in their experimental sections, as we are particularly interested in the topic, which is also within the domain of several ontologies and controlled vocabularies. The resulting gold standard dataset is publicly available and directly applicable to validating automated methods for retrieving this metadata from the literature. In the process, we also made a number of observations on the structure and description of experiments and open access publication in this journal.



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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » peter.suber's bookmarks

Tags: oa.chemistry oa.annotation oa.semantic oa.metadata

Date tagged:

11/09/2022, 08:03

Date published:

11/09/2022, 03:03