Open Science in Developmental Science | Annual Review of Developmental Psychology

peter.suber's bookmarks 2022-12-13


Abstract:  Open science policies have proliferated in the social and behavioral sciences in recent years, including practices around sharing study designs, protocols, and data and preregistering hypotheses. Developmental research has moved more slowly than some other disciplines in adopting open science practices, in part because developmental science is often descriptive and does not always strictly adhere to a confirmatory approach. We assess the state of open science practices in developmental science and offer a broader definition of open science that includes replication, reproducibility, data reuse, and global reach.



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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » peter.suber's bookmarks

Tags: oa.psychology oa.open_science oa.policies oa.ssh oa.protocols oa.preregistration oa.reproducibility oa.reuse oa.ssh

Date tagged:

12/13/2022, 15:28

Date published:

12/13/2022, 10:28