New Open Access policy at St Andrews! – St Andrews Open Research
peter.suber's bookmarks 2022-12-21
"The University of St Andrews has launched a new Open Access policy to harmonise the latest requirements from research funders and provide greater support to our researchers, as well as ensuring alignment with the open research objective in the University strategy to “make our research findings widely available for local, national, and global benefit” [University Strategy 2022-27].
You can read the full Open Access policy statement and details aimed at enabling our researchers to use the rights retained in their scholarly works:
- The University will require Accepted manuscripts for Articles published in Journals and Conference Proceedings to be deposited in Pure. Deposited manuscripts will be made available without embargo and with a Creative Commons CC BY licence.
- The University will also require manuscripts for Books and Chapters to be deposited in Pure, but only where there is a funder mandate in place – for instance for Wellcome Trust or UKRI. Here a 12 month embargo is permissible as are alternative Creative Commons licences (although CC BY is preferred).
- The full policy contains details on exceptions as well as ‘alternative options’.
- The policy will be in effect for research outputs submitted after 01 February 2023...."