Open access publications policy
peter.suber's bookmarks 2022-12-21
"11.1. Principle 1: Clause 10 of the IP Policy states that as employer the University generally holds copyright in works produced by employees, however the University waives ownership of copyright in scholarly materials. This is a long-standing commitment, enabling authors to enter into agreements with publishers and undertake the standard practice of signing publication agreements.
11.2. Principle 2: Waiving of copyright comes with the obligation to grant to the University a non-exclusive, irrevocable, royalty-free licence including the right for the University to sub-licence to third parties*. Clause 11 of the IP Policy sets out this ‘grant of rights’ by authors to the University, which acts to rebalance ownership and rights in scholarly works regardless of any downstream arrangements between authors and publishers. The sublicence essentially enables dissemination through the University’s repository system(s) which are in turn accessed by third party indexing services as well as researchers. Sections 14 and 15 of this policy specify the sub-licences and processes required for depositing accepted manuscripts of journal articles in the institutional repository and / or depositing other materials of a scholarly nature where required for compliance with external funding bodies...."