Planting the green seeds for a golden harvest: Comments and clarifications on “Going for Gold”

peter.suber's bookmarks 2012-11-27

Planting the green seeds for a golden harvest: Comments and clarifications on “Going for Gold”
John Houghton and Alma Swan
Centre for Strategic economic Studies, Victoria University, (22 Nov 2012)
From the Introduction: In the context of the Finch Report and subsequent policy responses in the UK, there has been renewed discussion of the costs and benefits of different models of Open Access (OA) and a re- examination of the evidence and analysis underlying the policies announced post-Finch. As we have contributed to that evidence and analysis, we thought it might be useful to try to clarify some of the issues, as there sometimes seems to be some misinterpretation of our work. The main focus of discussion post-Finch is the relative costs and benefits of Gold OA and Green OA. In this document, we: (i) present a short summary of our findings on the relative costs and benefits of Gold OA and Green OA for UK universities and for UK higher education in general: and (ii) provide some commentary on the numbers and their interpretation. We focus primarily on the analysis that was undertaken in the context of two reports: Economic Implication of Alternative Scholarly Publishing Models (2009), and Going for Gold (2012).
Posted by stevehit to pep.oa pep.biblio on Mon Nov 26 2012 at 14:33 UTC | info | related