Economics and Equity in the Development of Open Research Europe - Munin conference presentation | Zenodo

peter.suber's bookmarks 2023-01-10


"Open Research Europe (ORE) is the open access peer-reviewed publishing platform offered by the European Commission as an optional service to Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe beneficiaries at no cost to them. The platform enables researchers to publish open access without paying out of their research budgets and while complying with their open access obligations. These are the outputs from an interactive session run by Rob Johnson at the 17th Munin Conference on 30 November 2022 to gather delegates' feedback on the future operationalisation of Open Research Europe as a collective publishing enterprise. These outputs supplement the following paper and report: ..."


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Date tagged:

01/10/2023, 13:37

Date published:

01/10/2023, 08:37