Canadian research data repositories in re3data: A collaborative effort to increase visibility and foster community engagement | re3data COREF - project blog
peter.suber's bookmarks 2023-03-17
"Collaboration has always been a central principle for re3data. This is reflected in the fact that research communities, repository providers, and other relevant stakeholders contribute significantly to the completeness and accuracy of the re3data metadata as well as its further technical and conceptual development. As the world's largest directory of research data repository, re3data currently describes over 3000 infrastructures on the basis of a comprehensive metadata schema. The service was launched in 2012 and therefore has recorded information on the repository landscape for over 10 years.
Within the international research data community, the Discovery and Metadata Expert Group (DMEG), part of the Digital Research Alliance of Canada, has led by example to improve the visibility and discoverability of research data repositories. DMEG assists data creators, curators, and other professionals in the planning, creation, management, and dissemination of descriptive metadata to enable effective discovery and reuse of research data across a broad range of disciplines...."