Digital Publishing and Repository Librarian - Northwestern University, US | 03/27/2023

peter.suber's bookmarks 2023-04-03


"Northwestern University Libraries seek a Digital Publishing and Repository Librarian committed to open scholarship and providing innovative services to faculty and students for creating and publishing original educational and scholarly materials. This role is integral to the Libraries’ collaboration across campus and the wider academic community in the planning, execution, and assessment of a variety of digital publishing ventures. Digital publishing services include project management, production, metadata, design, hosting, and archiving for digital publications, including Open Educational Resources (OER), Open Access (OA) journals, and OA monographs in collaboration with Northwestern faculty, students, and other scholars and campus partners. Current digital publishing projects include the peer-reviewed journal Bulletin of Applied Transgender Studies, monographs and websites for Northwestern University's Buffett Institute for Global Affairs, and OER created through the Affordable Instructional Resources (AIR) Faculty Grant Program. As the service manager for Arch, Northwestern’s institutional repository the Digital Publishing and Repository Librarian promotes faculty deposits to Arch and collaborates with other library departments to report user feedback to improve overall experiences. The Digital Publishing and Repository Librarian keeps abreast of trends and best practices in library-based publishing, especially in relation to OA, OER, open science, digital humanities, and new methods of publishing in digital formats. This role also actively participates in planning and implementing new initiatives that transform digital scholarship within the Libraries, across the University, and throughout the scholarly publishing domain...."


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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » ioi_ab's bookmarks

Tags: oa.usa oa.libraries oa.repositories

Date tagged:

04/03/2023, 06:13

Date published:

04/03/2023, 02:13