Job: Digital Repository Services Librarian | Iowa State University Library, US | April 2023

peter.suber's bookmarks 2023-04-25


"The Iowa State University Library is seeking applications for a dynamic and forward-thinking Repository Services Librarian who will work collaboratively within and outside of the Digital Scholarship and Initiatives (DSI) department to lead the digital repository unit. DSI is comprised of specialists that support digital collections, digital scholarship, and the digital repository. The Repository Services Librarian will manage the digital repository and supervise a staff of three in support of digital repository services and a platform which provides free, open access to digital materials that embody the scholarly, cultural, and creative activities of Iowa State University. Example services include the facilitated deposit of research material and publications as well as the maintenance of ISU research profiles and support for the ISU open access initiatives.   The Repository Services Librarian will be instrumental in the continued success of the digital repository, now in its 10th year, by liaising with participating repository faculty and staff, departments, and the Graduate College on the evolution and value of the digital repository and digital repository services. The Repository Services Librarian will evaluate programs, services, policies, and processes of the unit and will work collaboratively with other library units and departments to meet the goals of DSI and the library. As part of their work, the Repository Services Librarian will participate in discussions and working groups focused on library resource discovery, open scholarship and scholarly communication, and collection development...."


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Date tagged:

04/25/2023, 08:44

Date published:

04/25/2023, 04:44