New national open access repository in Armenia | EIFL

peter.suber's bookmarks 2023-04-28


"With support from EIFL, the National Library of Armenia (NLA) has improved access to its digital materials - open access Armenian theses and dissertations, books and the Bulletin of Armenian Libraries - through the creation of a new repository. The new repository, which uses DSpace 7.3 software, will be part of national open science infrastructure currently under development by the Ministry of Education and Science, which is also drafting a national open science policy...."


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oa.repositories oa.policies oa.infrastructure oa.etds oa.eifl oa.dspace oa.books oa.armenia oa.repositories

Date tagged:

04/28/2023, 08:53

Date published:

04/28/2023, 04:53