Zenodo: Celebrating our 10th Anniversary

peter.suber's bookmarks 2023-05-08


"Zenodo was launched 10 years ago on May 8th by CERN and OpenAIRE. The goal since day one has been to enable any researcher from anywhere in the world to participate in practising open science. Today, 10 years later, Zenodo supports more than 300,000 researchers in 7500+ research organisations in 153 countries to do just that. A recent study[1] conservatively estimated the socio-economic impact of Zenodo in society to 95 million EUR per year but more likely close to 1 billion EUR/year. All in support of the mission to provide the platform for all researchers to publicly share their work and join the open science movement. We always believed that research data should end up where researchers can care best for them, whether that be a subject/institute/national repository, but we also knew that gaps in the offerings still left an enormous quantity of research data with nowhere else to go, that we could usefully offer help to. Zenodo is now a core enabler of open science practice by providing trusted long-term storage of research, especially to those in most need and without the means. CERN is a leader of Big Data storage, creating technologies at the scale frontier, already keeping almost 1 exabyte of high-energy physics data safe. By housing Zenodo in a corner of the CERN Data Centre, we use this expertise to share what we find easy with others that find it hard...."



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Date tagged:

05/08/2023, 08:53

Date published:

05/08/2023, 04:53