Die Berlin University Alliance tritt der Coalition for Advancing Research Assessment (CoARA) bei • Berlin University Alliance

peter.suber's bookmarks 2023-05-17


From Google's English:  "The process of reforming the research assessment of the European Union is supported by well-known national and international scientific organizations, and the BUA will help shape it in the future.

The excellence network of the three Berlin universities, Freie Universität Berlin, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Technische Universität Berlin and the Charité - Universitätsmedizin has the Agreement on Reforming Research Assessment effective April 26, 2023 and is therefore a member of the international Coalition for Advancing Research Assessment (CoARA).

Since the publication of the agreement on July 20, 2022, this agreement has been signed by almost 500 scientific organizations, both universities and non-university research institutions as well as specialist societies and research sponsors, including the German Research Foundation (DFG) and the European Research Council (ERC).

The science organizations represented in CoARA are united by the goal of jointly initiating a cultural change in research assessment and developing and establishing new principles of research assessment."



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Date tagged:

05/17/2023, 16:34

Date published:

05/17/2023, 12:34