DPLA Board of Directors Call, December 17, 2012

peter.suber's bookmarks 2012-12-28


"The DPLA is committed to asserting no new rights—and will claim no rights—over the 
metadata that it aggregates from its various data-providing partners. It has also pledged to 
make all of this metadata freely available under a Creative Commons 0 license (public domain 
Board member Paul Courant expressed his strong interest in the topic. Courant described how 
the metadata that the DPLA will be aggregating is essentially data, or, in other words, facts 
about certain objects. Under US copyright law, one is not allowed to copyright facts, and 
Courant expressed concern that, by instituting a CC0 metadata policy, the DPLA might be 
suggesting that copyright does in fact apply to metadata. Toward that end, he asked the group 
if there was a way to institute a metadata policy that doesn’t imply copyright in this way.
The Board agreed that the DPLA might want to pursue a strategy that doesn’t perceive 
copyright in its metadata, and Palfrey and Courant agreed to move forward with spearheading 
the mechanics of such a policy...."



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Date tagged:

12/28/2012, 14:46

Date published:

12/22/2012, 09:46