<strong>Using Open Monograph Press for open access book publishing at Scottish institutions</strong> – Open Access Books Network
peter.suber's bookmarks 2023-06-15
"Scottish Universities Press (SUP) is a new fully open access and not-for-profit press owned and managed by 18 Scottish academic libraries, co-ordinated through the Scottish Confederation of University and Research Libraries (SCURL). The Press aims to provide a clear and cost-effective route for researchers at Scottish HEIs to make their work freely available to a global audience. We will initially focus on publishing monographs, mainly due to changing funder requirements around OA for books (e.g. the UKRI policy). In this part of the blog post I will discuss why SUP decided to use OMP as our platform and talk about our experiences of using the platform so far...."
https://openaccessbooksnetwork.hcommons.org/2023/06/14/using-open-monograph-press-for-open-access-book-publishing-at-scottish-institutions/From feeds:
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