Dryad in the community: New data sharing mandates and the role of academic librariesDryad news

peter.suber's bookmarks 2023-06-23


"Available to watch now: “New data sharing mandates and the role of academic libraries” presented at the 2023 Library Publishing Forum. 

Whether libraries become data publishers themselves or provide the types of support services that make data publishing possible–such as training, planning, and consultation–they have a critical role to play in advancing open science practices.

In this presentation, Dryad’s Head of Community Engagement, Sarah Lippincott is joined by fellow presenters Michael Casp, Head of Production Division at J&J Editorial, Emma Molls, Director of Open Research & Publishing at University of Minnesota Libraries, and Alberto Pepe, Director of Strategy and Innovation at Wiley and Co-founder of Authorea. Sarah reviews some pertinent highlights from the Nelson memo and NIH policies, two of the major developments that will impact data sharing over the next few years. and concludes with a discussion on how libraries can help researchers move from data sharing to data publishing.

Watch now to hear from the diverse perspectives of three data sharing and open data advocates: a funder, librarian, and publisher."



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Date tagged:

06/23/2023, 15:42

Date published:

06/23/2023, 11:42