Challenges with Open Access Institutional Repositories in Ghana

peter.suber's bookmarks 2023-07-06


Abstract:  The libraries of institutions of higher education have developed institutional repositories to manage their research output and showcase the work of their institutions. A variety of software has been used. Most libraries have structured the repositories so that they are available through open access (OA) to the world. Some institutions have mandated that faculty and research staff place their publications in the repositories. Not all has been plain sailing and many issues and challenges have emerged. This chapter examines the nature of open access institutional repositories (OAIRS), outlines their development in Ghana and discusses issues which have arisen. It also reports on a study undertaken of institutional repositories in Ghana and suggests ways to go forward to ensure effective implementation of institutional repositories.


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Tags: oa.repositories oa.ghana oa.obstacles oa.policies oa.recommendations oa.south

Date tagged:

07/06/2023, 12:10

Date published:

07/06/2023, 08:10