peter.suber's bookmarks 2023-07-13
"The CERN Open Science Policy reflects values that have been enshrined in the CERN Convention for almost seventy years and were reaffirmed in the update of the European Strategy for Particle Physics1 in 2020. These values recognise the universal importance of the fundamental scientific knowledge produced at CERN, the duty to make this knowledge available to everybody, and the key role of open science in the pursuit of CERN’s mission....
CERN accordingly recognises the holistic practice of open science as one of its guiding principles and commits to it by: ● encouraging research processes and tools that foster international collaboration; ● supporting new and innovative research practices; ● enabling the free dissemination of knowledge and the accessibility of research outputs; ● requiring open access to publications and their metadata; ● encouraging and facilitating the sharing of data and analysis software; ● sharing software sources and hardware designs under appropriate free, open source licences; ● enabling knowledge preservation to support reusability and reproducibility; ● supporting citizen science and the development of open training/education resources; ● building and maintaining the necessary infrastructure to support open science; and ● fostering skills and developing incentives to support open science practices...."