Institutional Repository Support Assistant (549244)
peter.suber's bookmarks 2023-07-24
"The University of Strathclyde has a commitment to boldness and innovation as part of its core institutional values, and we believe that our engagement with Open Access and repository development is a significant example of this commitment. In furtherance of these values the Information Services Directorate of the University is seeking to appoint an Institutional Repository Support Assistant to join our Scholarly Publications & Research Data team. The job role will encompass work within the areas of Green Open Access, including the management of scholarly grey literature, and aspects of Gold Open Access.
This temporary role will include the use of the University’s current research information system (CRIS) and Strathclyde’s institutional Open Access repository, as well as other systems relevant to the operation of open scholarly communications and open research within an HEI. The job role will involve the description of a wide variety of scholarly content according to established metadata schema, the correction and approval of system metadata and the preparation of digital file content for deposit, exposure and digital preservation. Interpretation of research funder Open Access policies and compliance requirements will be necessary, and the applicant should have some knowledge of copyright matters, experience of liaison with academic staff, and advanced skills in the manipulation of digital files...."