re3data - The Global Registry of Research Data Repositories | Research Data Community

peter.suber's bookmarks 2023-08-29


​For over a decade, our reliable service, re3data, has captured the landscape of these infrastructures. Initiated in 2012, we've diligently mapped the global research data repository terrain. Today, we provide a comprehensive registry of more than 3,000 research data repositories, all grounded in a detailed metadata schema, which we recently released in its 4.0 version.  

Our article, titled “re3data – Indexing the Global Research Data Repository Landscape Since 2012” in Scientific Data, encapsulates our journey with re3data. Herein, we dive deep into ten pivotal aspects pertinent to administrating an Open Science service dedicated to global research data repositories.


From feeds:

Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » peter.suber's bookmarks
Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » pampel's bookmarks

Tags: oa.repositories oa.re3data oa.infrastructure oa.policies oa.metadata oa.pd oa.copyright oa.reuse oa.interoperability oa.fair oa.copyright

Date tagged:

08/29/2023, 15:02

Date published:

08/29/2023, 06:09