Sustainability Through Openness: UNESCO's Global Quest for Equitable Development

peter.suber's bookmarks 2023-09-21


"An equitable future for all requires free flow of ideas and information between researchers and the communities that might benefit from that information.

At the University of Rochester (UR), we are invested in tackling the biggest challenges of the future by contributing to make the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) a reality. Join us for this event, sponsored by the Open Scholarship Community Rochester (OSC Rochester) and UR Libraries, to learn how UNESCO is applying the principles of Open Science and Open Scholarship to advance the SDGs and make the world ever better."


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Tags: oa.sustainability oa.unesco oa.development oa.dei oa.sdgs

Date tagged:

09/21/2023, 09:20

Date published:

09/21/2023, 05:20