Developing New Approaches to Promote Equitable and Inclusive Implementation of Open Scholarship Policies A Workshop | National Academies

peter.suber's bookmarks 2023-09-23


"The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine’s Roundtable on Aligning Incentives for Open Scholarship will organize a half-day hybrid public workshop, Developing New Approaches to Promote Equitable and Inclusive Implementation of Open Scholarship Policies on Thursday, October 19 from 9 am to 2:30 pm EDT. The workshop will be held in conjunction with the Fall 2023 meeting of the Roundtable. The public is invited to register to join virtually. 

The workshop will explore specific steps and new approaches that research institutions, governmental agencies, research funders and other organizations can take to promote equitable and inclusive implementation of policies and practices being developed in response to the August 2022 memorandum of the Office of Science and Technology Policy on Ensuring Free, Immediate, and Equitable Access to Federally Funded Research. The discussion will build on a June 2023 workshop that explored the implications of new policies for various stakeholders. A Proceedings of a Workshop-in Brief will be prepared by designated rapporteurs and distributed broadly...."


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Date tagged:

09/23/2023, 09:37

Date published:

09/23/2023, 10:38