Midlands Innovation Rights Retention Statement of Intent
peter.suber's bookmarks 2023-09-28
"Midlands Innovation is committed to supporting Open Research and will endeavour, working in collaboration across our Universities, to make our research activity as openly available as possible.
A key enabler of Open Research is author rights retention. This ensures authors keep the rights to their work, and enables their research to be as open as possible and as closed as necessary. Here, authors do not automatically transfer the Intellectual Property Rights in their research publications to publishers and, in parallel with journal or other forms of e- or print publication, can make each research publication3 immediately open access through institutional and subject repositories....
You are strongly encouraged to not, by default, transfer intellectual property rights to publishers and instead use a Rights Retention statement as standard practice. Your university is in the process of putting in place its own Rights Retention policy and we encourage you to refer directly to the relevant guidance available at your university...."