Wrapping up our NEH-funded project to help text and data mining researchers navigate cross-border legal and ethical issues - UC Berkeley Library Update

peter.suber's bookmarks 2023-10-03


"In August 2022, the UC Berkeley Library and Internet Archive were awarded a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) to study legal and ethical issues in cross-border text and data mining (TDM).

The project, entitled Legal Literacies for Text Data Mining – Cross-Border (“LLTDM-X”), supported research and analysis to address law and policy issues faced by U.S. digital humanities practitioners whose text data mining research and practice intersects with foreign-held or -licensed content, or involves international research collaborations.

LLTDM-X is now complete, resulting in the publication of an instructive case study for researchers and white paper. Both resources are explained in greater detail below...."



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Date tagged:

10/03/2023, 09:32

Date published:

10/03/2023, 05:32