A New Era in Scholarly Communication: Open Access Publishing
peter.suber's bookmarks 2023-10-03
Abstract: Open access has presented a fresh challenge to the publishing and scholarly communication sectors with the start of the twenty-first century. For the previous two decades, libraries have struggled to keep their journal subscriptions at a level that will support their research and development efforts due to rising publication fees and a stable budget. In the interim, the Web's ability to publish academic articles in the public domain has opened up new communication channels for the scientific community. Along with various OA techniques, supporting business models have been proposed. Authors have reviewed a number of recent studies to demonstrate the effect of open access on its use and citation in scholarly and research. According to studies, open access (OA) has a significant impact on scientific communication since it helps boost the citation impact of journals and makes scientific research more visible and accessible. The writers are optimistic about the future of OA.