Breathing new life into obsolete journals: a collaborative digitisation/open access project | UCL Copyright Queries

peter.suber's bookmarks 2023-10-22


"Working collaboratively with colleagues in LCCOS and the wider Egyptology community has enabled us to make ‘Wepwawet: Research Papers in Egyptology’ available as open access through UCL Discovery, UCL’s open access repository.

Each year, thousands of academic journals publish innovative and exciting research. Some of these journals endure for decades; others rapidly become obsolete. They languish on library shelves, their contents forgotten.  The journal ‘Wepwawet: Research Papers in Egyptology’ (volumes 1-3, 1985-1987), produced and edited by PhD students from the former UCL Department of Egyptology, was one of these publications....

Making a digital copy of the journal open access supports its preservation, makes it discoverable and ensures that scholars – including native Egyptian scholars seeking to interpret their own past – can access, read and cite this research. A Creative Commons licence (CC BY) makes it possible for others to share and build upon this work, while attributing the original creators."


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Tags: oa.digitization oa.egypt oa.preservation oa.repositories oa.collaboration oa.discoverability oa.journals

Date tagged:

10/22/2023, 09:39

Date published:

10/22/2023, 05:39