Webinar - Open Access after the Transformation: The Funder Perspective - OASPA

peter.suber's bookmarks 2023-10-26


"OASPA is pleased to announce our next webinar  — part two in our Funding Open Access after the Transformation series —which will focus on the perspective of funders. 

At its launch in 2018, cOAlition S announced that its members would, for a “transition period,” fund open access fees for journals covered by “transformative” agreements. That move helped to establish read-and-publish deals as the leading OA business model, despite criticism that the agreements prop up the author-pays APC system. The same author-pays business model has, despite this opposition, also gained traction to fund the publication of OA books (through BPCs).

As cOAlition S recently communicated, the transition period is ending; beginning in 2025, funders adhering to Plan S will no longer support the agreements. What is more, a growing chorus of stakeholders, including the Ivy Plus librarians in the US, a coalition of UK-based researchers, and the Council of the European Union, are calling for an alternative, collective funding model for OA. At the same time, collective funding experiments as well as conditional open models (such as Subscribe to Open)—in which neither authors nor readers pay—are reporting promising results around the globe.

This webinar features perspectives on the emerging landscape of collective and conditional open models from funders, as a follow up to May’s webinar focused on publishers...."



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Date tagged:

10/26/2023, 15:44

Date published:

10/26/2023, 11:44