Zenodo Update: Collaboration Made Easy

peter.suber's bookmarks 2023-11-01


"Since its launch in 2013, the catch-all repository has helped millions of researchers by providing the space and technology to easily share their research outputs. This space has been vital to those who do not have access to the infrastructures or tools necessary to share their research work, due to any number of reasons, financial barriers, scarce access to institutional or thematic repositories, limited findability, etc. 

Not only has Zenodo been instrumental in breaking down these barriers, but it has many more practical implications. Thanks to its user-friendliness, it allows for immediate creation of DOI for publications datasets, software, and other research outputs. 

Having one catch-all repository also increases access to knowledge and is greatly advantageous for uncovering links between outputs. The exclusive use of unallied private repositories, hinders discovery, collaboration, and impact as those in the research community don’t have access to each and every one of these sources (and if they did, it would be extremely inefficient to go through and search each one). 

The dire need for a service like Zenodo is evidently apparent when we look at the figures, visits more than doubled between 2021 and 2022 increasing from 12 million to 25 million. Today, Zenodo is expanding upon this community and thereby reasserting this human network as a fundamental pillar of OpenAIRE and its services.

New Mission: From “sharing research made easy” to “collaboration made easy” For the past 10 years, Zenodo has had one simple goal, to make sharing research easy. Having witnessed millions benefit from the service, we can confidently say this goal was achieved. So as Zenodo enters adulthood, it’s time to redefine its objective to improve upon the service, while of course maintaining its ease of use.

Zenodo’s next mission is making collaboration easy, and in doing so, improve the quality of content being published...."



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Date tagged:

11/01/2023, 09:44

Date published:

11/01/2023, 05:44