Reuse of Ontological Knowledge in Open Science: Models, Sources, Repositories | SpringerLink
peter.suber's bookmarks 2023-11-09
Abstract: Intelligent Web applications require regular updates of knowledge from the external open information space. Currently, a significant amount of knowledge oriented towards Web applications utilizes ontological representations that which facilitate interoperability and information reuse. Many existing ontologies are available in repositories as open information resources. While repositories of ontologies provide enhanced functionality for search and analysis, they often fail to meet user requirements. We propose to extend the definition of specific types of ontologies using a formal model of ontologies instead of relying solely on natural language definitions. By selecting these special cases based on the type of information resources used as ontology sources, we can identify ontologies with similar properties. Special cases of ontologies can be defined by applying various restrictions to the formal model elements, allowing simpler analysis methods. In this work, we propose definitions of taxonomy and catalog as an example of this approach. Furthermore, we perform a detailed analysis of the formal model of the Wiki ontology for both semantic and non-semantic sources.