Supporting open access publishing for books: Collective funding models event summary - Research

peter.suber's bookmarks 2023-11-14


"The UKRI open access policy for monographs, book chapters and edited collections goes live on 1 January 2024, and UKRI have confirmed that their ring-fenced fund of approximately £3.5 million can be used to support a range of open access models, including Diamond agreements (such as Purchase to Open or collective models) as well as the more traditional book processing charge and book chapter processing charges.

In preparation for policy implementation, Jisc and the Open Access Books Network came together to hold a series of online events which focused on different publishing models for open access books. We held three 90-minute webinars with panel speakers including publishers, librarians, and open access infrastructure providers.

Each webinar was chaired by an expert in the field of open access and included a Q&A session, with the chair inviting questions from attendees and some from the chair to the presenters...."


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11/14/2023, 09:26

Date published:

11/14/2023, 04:26