US Repository Network launches pilot to enhance discoverability of Open Access content in repositories

peter.suber's bookmarks 2023-11-16


"In November, the US Repository Network (USRN) will launch a pilot project aimed at improving the discoverability of articles in repositories. This pilot project involves the use of services from CORE, a not-for-profit aggregator based at Open University in the UK, to evaluate and improve local repository practices. Additional technical support will be provided by Antleaf Ltd.

As part of the project, CORE will aggregate the metadata and full text of articles from a subset of US repositories, allowing them to be findable through a centralized discovery service with prominent links back to the original full text of the repository. At the same time, the project will assess current practices related to metadata quality, the tracking of Open Access deposits, the use of PIDs, technical support for OAI-PMH, and the adoption of more recent protocols, such as FAIR Signposting. At the level of the centralized aggregation, CORE will enrich the existing US metadata with information from its larger international aggregation. A Dashboard service for participating institutions will be provided, enabling them to assess, validate and monitor their practices.

The one-year project involves 18 repositories representing a variety of institutions, software types and repository models and will result in concrete recommendations and best practice guidelines for machine and human discoverability of research articles in US repositories."


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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » peter.suber's bookmarks
Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » infodocketGARY's bookmarks

Tags: oa.sparc_na oa.repositories oa.core oa.coar oa.discoverability oa.sparc oa.usrn oa.usa oa.ostp oa.metadata oa.pids oa.oai oa.fair

Date tagged:

11/16/2023, 17:51

Date published:

11/16/2023, 03:33