Open Repositories Team Lead - Careers Portal Careers
peter.suber's bookmarks 2023-11-29
"We are looking for a repository manager to join the team to implement and lead a programme of work to review, update, host and maintain the current institutional repositories ePubs and eData. In addition to developing the current research outputs repositories, you will build a team of data stewards who will curate the content of the repositories and any new repositories that are in development.
The post will be part of an Open Science theme of work within the Scientific Computing Department. We deliver services to researchers across STFC and have staff based at both the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (RAL) in Oxfordshire and the Daresbury Laboratory (DL) near Warrington. The Group is responsible for the development and operation of library services, open access and open data services including two institutional repositories (ePubs and eData). It also undertakes research and development in open science practices and supporting technologies such as Persistent Identifiers, FAIR data and works with UKRI on Open Science Policy. Additionally members of the Group are active in national and international networks including the Research Data Alliance.
You will lead a review to identify a new repository platform for our existing repositories ePubs and eData and for several new repositories that are under development. Following the review, you will implement a change programme to install, configure and migrate data from our current repositories to a new platform(s)...."