Findability and Accessibility of Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Repositories of Newly Established Central Universities in India
peter.suber's bookmarks 2023-11-30
Abstract: As professionals and academicians, we are all aware of ETDs (Electronic Theses and Dissertations) ' impact on the discourse, communication, and dissemination of research in our respective fields. ETDs are more widely used and advantageous than their conventional equivalents. ETDs, which are academic works that students submit as a requirement for their degree programs, provide various advantages made possible by technological improvements. One significant benefit is the simplicity with which digital research materials may be accessed and distributed, making knowledge easy to share and retrieve. This paper discusses the ETDs' importance, aim, and initiatives in India. In addition, it discusses the Central universities and their role and contribution to ETDs. The study's primary objective is to evaluate the ETDs platform aspect of newly established central universities in India. ETDs offer several advantages over their traditional counterparts. They provide easy and convenient access to research work, and their accessibility enhances the visibility and usability of the research. We will try to evaluate the Findability and Accessibility of ETDs that are really easily discoverable and accessible.
In this study, a webometric method is utilized for the evaluation of the websites of ETDs. Webometrics is the quantitative study of developing and using web-based information resources, structures, and technologies. As is common knowledge, a website serves as a digital representation of the ETDs themselves, reflecting the discoverability and accessibility of the ETDs' content. Using webometrics tools Google PageSpeed Insights, we assess the discoverability and accessibility of the websites of ETDs. We also used a manual approach for findability and accessibility; a simple Google search for findability and for accessibility, we check whether ETDs provide contents openly, full-text availability, and how many platforms a university uses for content dissemination. The present work is limited to newly established central universities. The data were acquired and analyzed using the methods as mentioned above and instruments.
This study's findings shed light on the applicability of webometrics in assessing the ETDs'findability and accessibility. It also sheds light on the significance of other parameters affecting discoverability and accessibility in ETDs. The study attempts to justify using a webometric approach to evaluate the platform aspect of ETDs. By focusing on discoverability, and accessibility, we provide a comprehensive website-evaluation approach to ETDs, which will aid in assessing the quality, influence, and standing of ETDs. This method will apply to other ETDs Platforms, and similar methods can also be developed in the future.