Multiple open access availability and citation impact

peter.suber's bookmarks 2023-12-01


Abstract:  This research examines the relationship between multiple open access (OA) availability of journal articles and the citation advantage by collecting data of OA copies and citation numbers in 20 top library and information science journals. We discover a correlation between the two variables; namely, multiple OA availability of an article has a positive impact on its citation count. The statistical analysis reveals that for every increase in the availability of OA articles, citation numbers increase by 2.348.




12/01/2023, 08:48

From feeds:

Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » peter.suber's bookmarks


oa.preservation oa.advantage oa.impact oa.citations

Date tagged:

12/01/2023, 13:48

Date published:

12/10/2010, 08:48