Clarivate Connects 172M+ Cited References from ProQuest Dissertations and Theses to the Web of Science - Clarivate

peter.suber's bookmarks 2023-12-07


"Clarivate announced it has enriched ProQuestTM Dissertations & Theses Citation Index, integrating over 172 million cited references from ProQuest™ Dissertations & Theses Global within the Web of ScienceTM platform and interconnecting both platforms.

ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Citation Index opens new possibilities in the research workflow for students and researchers, enabling them to explore the development of a topic across varied, multidisciplinary research outputs or to look back at the research foundation of post-graduate works. This enhancement deepens the connection between published and unpublished scholarship, enriching the entire research experience.

The solution enables students and researchers to discover new research sources on diverse, novel or niche topics and easily expand their discovery to related works. As new cited references are captured, dissertations and theses will accrue citations from indexed research, helping users understand the impact or influence of dissertations and theses to scholarship over time...."


From feeds:

Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » peter.suber's bookmarks

Tags: oa.clarivate oa.citations oa.proquest oa.etds oa.wos

Date tagged:

12/07/2023, 12:54

Date published:

12/07/2023, 07:54