FAIRiCat - Signposting the Scholarly Web
peter.suber's bookmarks 2023-12-15
"In order to meet FAIR expectations, repositories provide affordances to support Finding, Accessing, Interoperating, and Reusing the scholarly objects they manage. Some affordances focus on supporting machine interaction with scholarly content and entail implementing common specifications as well as repository-specific machine interfaces. Discovering whether and which interoperability affordances are provided by a repository remains a challenge. Some specifications describe how to advertise a compliant interface, but, the discovery approach is different for different specifications. Other specifications don't detail an approach to discover a compliant interface and rely on a central registry instead. For yet other specifications, no way to advertise compliance exists. This document describes the FAIR Interoperability Catalogue - FAIRiCat - approach that repositories can uniformly use to advertise the interoperability affordances they provide."